About Us
About the Coalition "Kun Jarygy"
Who We Are
We are a group of concerned citizens and organizations, collaboratively working to ensure that government spending is conducted fairly, transparently, efficiently, and yields the best outcomes for the country.
Our Mission
The «KUN JARYGY» Coalition is a community of civil society representatives who engage in monitoring, research, and advocacy in the field of transparency and efficiency of Kazakhstan’s public procurement processes.
What We Stand For
We operate on both the republic and local levels to promote principles of transparency and openness in the allocation of budgetary funds.
Organizational Structure
The «Kun Jarygy» Coalition is an informal, decentralized association created to enhance the transparency of public procurement in Kazakhstan. Joining the Coalition allows NGOs, civic activists, journalists, and bloggers to efficiently use their limited resources in promoting transparency in government procurement, thereby conserving their efforts.



We advocate for transparent processes, open data, and citizen participation in decision-making.
We take an uncompromising stance against corruption and strive to ensure adherence to laws and regulations.
Collaboration and Partnership
We aim for active collaboration and partnership with governmental agencies.
Innovation and Development
We are continually searching for new ways to improve our methods and approaches.
Impact and Effectiveness
We strive to make a visible and positive impact.
Work results
Code of Ethics
Community Code of Ethics
The Community Code of Ethics is a set of rules, norms, and values that govern the behavior of community members. It specifies how community members should interact with each other, what actions are permissible and what are not, and how conflicts and disputes should be resolved. It is crucial that the code be clear and understandable to all community members so that everyone knows what is expected of them and what is prohibited.
The Community Code of Ethics serves as a vital tool for maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all community members. When adhered to by all participants, it helps to build trust and respect among them, fosters a positive community image, and attracts new members.
The effectiveness of the Code of Ethics will be periodically assessed and updated as needed to ensure its ongoing relevance and efficacy.
This Code of Ethics is designed to guide participants involved in the monitoring of government procurement activities and to promote ethical behavior and transparency in the procurement process.
MoreThe “Kun Jarygy” Coalition (in the Kazakh language, Kun Jarygy means “sunlight”) is an informal alliance established to advance its advocacy agenda in the realm of government procurement transparency. The collective efforts of Coalition members enable the more efficient use or conservation of civil society resources with similar objectives.
The platform brings together public organizations involved in monitoring and inspires new participants to join. It facilitates the collaborative implementation of complex projects and generates greater impact. Additionally, through this platform, a larger number of participants can engage in joint advocacy efforts to accomplish more intricate projects and exert substantial influence.