Public procurements training centers

According to Paragraph 66 of the Order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2020, No. 55 “On the Approval of the Qualification Reference for Managers, Specialists, and Other Officials” qualification requirements for the position of Public Procurement Manager have been established. 

However, a specific higher education degree in the field of public procurement is not stipulated. Instead, the professional development process in public procurement is carried out in accordance with the “Rules for Retraining and Upgrading Qualifications of Workers Operating in the Field of Public Procurement”. According to these Rules, qualification enhancement services are purchased from educational institutions offering supplementary education programs.

Education Organizations in Public Procurement

Based on public procurement data for the period 2021-2023, 277 organizations procured services for skill enhancement in the field of public procurement amounting to 247 million tenge under more than 2,000 contracts.

The JSC “Electronic Finance Center” organizes training on the use of the public procurement web portal.